Preparing for a New Baby on a Budget: Essentials for the Newborn

Preparing for a New Baby on a Budget: Essentials for the Newborn

Preparing for a new baby while in the midst of financial hardship is not impossible. There are many resources and ways to be prepared without spending a fortune.


The impending birth of a new baby should be an exciting and joyous time for the mother and father. However, when the economic conditions become unfavorable, such as the loss of employment, the joy soon turns to anxiety. Questions concerning diapers, milk, clothes, even where the baby is going to sleep begin to weigh heavily on the soon-to-be parents, which is not good for the baby or the mother’s health.

There are avenues that the parent’s can explore to begin preparations for bringing a little one home. The first step is to assess the current and most critical needs. Start by making a list of baby items that are needed. This list will later be pared down to the basic necessities.

What Babies Need

Looking back in history to the days before technology, television and other creature comforts one can see that diapers, milk and a bed were basically all the items that the family had when the baby was born. Today, the list is exponentially larger, although not completely necessary. These items are typically on a baby items wish list:

  • Bottles
  • Pacifiers
  • Diapers
  • Diaper Pail
  • Diaper Pins
  • Mobile
  • Crib
  • Bouncy Seat
  • Swing
  • Baby Bath Tub
  • Bassinet
  • Walker
  • Car Seat
  • Stroller
  • Clothes
  • Blankets

This list could go on and on. The important thing to realize here is that many of these items are not essential. The baby isn’t going to know that there isn’t a mobile over his crib or even if he is in a crib or a bassinet. Many of these are creature comforts that need to be eliminated when financial hardships occur.

Finding Baby Essentials Cheaply

Parents who don’t have the luxury of filling a nursery full of teddy bears and fancy baby gadgets can still make preparations that are suitable for bringing the baby home and add to them as finances allow. A little creative thinking and tapping into available resources can provide the help needed.

The number one resource when preparing for a new baby is friends. Friends who have had a baby or know someone who has had a baby in the last year can be a wealthy repository of baby items. Baby items, from furniture to clothing, are outgrown very quickly and usually are in excellent condition. Many people donate them to second hand stores or to families who have babies on the way. Ask around, it is not impossible to furnish an entire nursery just by knowing someone who recently had a baby.

Second hand stores and yard sales are another great resource. Baby items are gently used and can be picked up at these places for pennies on the dollar. A small amount of money can go a long way at yard sales. Don’t be afraid to barter. After all, they are the ones trying to get rid of something.

Finally, peruse the Internet and want ad sites such as Craigslist. Free and deeply discounted items can be found in a variety of places.

Many countries, including the U.S., have government run programs to assist with the nourishment of new babies. Check with local agencies to find out what is available. Additionally, breast feeding should always be considered as it is healthier for the baby.

Babies don’t require all the fancy trappings that many parents stress over. Proper nourishment, diapers, a few clothes, a warm place to sleep and a lot of tender loving care are all that is required to have a happy, healthy baby regardless of the current financial situation.
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